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New Creative Venture: “Quirky Voices” Interview Series

Painted Ken

The Start of a Creative Adventure

As I’ve been working on developing my own creativity, I have been looking at ways that I can express myself in a unique way. I’m stretching myself in being a bit more vulnerable to get my voice out there to bring an expression of me to the world. One of the big lessons that I’ve been trying to follow is to not press things and to just allow things to marinate and see what arises.

One of the things that I’ve realized is that a big part of what I’ve done with my professional and artistic lives is the use of my voice. I’ve been a singer in many venues, and have also been a teacher, project manager, and workshop leader. I tend to talk to people as part of what I do.

A Typical Aquarian: Always Looking to Do Something Different

In reviewing so many parts of my life, I’ve noticed that all of my interests have been something that’s slightly different from the mainstream. I’ve been a dancer, but I’ve done folk dancing. I’ve been a singer, but I sing Scandinavian, English Close Harmony, and Classical. I’ve been a musician, but I play the hammered dulcimer, ‘ukulele, and other folk instruments. I’ve been a long distance athlete, but I was a race walker. If it was something that everyone else was doing I wasn’t interested in it. Through that, I’ve gotten to meet a lot of interesting people who also do a variety of different and interesting things.

I like to talk with people, and I have a lot of interesting friends and acquaintances who are involved in a lot of different and interesting adventures. The lightbulb moment came that I would really like to use my voice and my reach to talk with my friends about all the weird and bizarre things that they do.

Podcast or YouTube: That Is the Question

So, this is just in the beginning stages, and I’m still trying to figure out the format that this is going to take, but I think that it will most likely be in the form of an internet video chat (Google Hangout or some such sort) and that I might be able to put it in a strictly audio form and might release it as a podcast). This is not going to be something that I’m connecting to my consulting business, but just one that I want to do for my own development and fun.

So, How Can You Help?

Here are some questions that I am rolling around in my head. I’m still very early in this process and figured that I wanted to put it out there and see what people had to offer:

  • Guest Interviewees: Are you an interesting person? Do you do something that is outside of the mainstream culture that you’d like to share? Do you want to subject yourself to questions from me and have a good conversation? If so, let me know! I don’t have a particular timeline to start at the moment, but I think I would like to have about two interviews a month once I start, and if you do something that seems strange to others, I’d like to hear about it. Granted, it should probably be something that I’m also interested in!
  • Technical Help: Do know anything about how to record and distribute content? Can you enlighten me on what I should know but don’t about things? How can I do this with minimum investment? I can use all the help I can get!

I don’t know where this is going to go, but I’ve got some energy for it, and want to see where it leads. I hope you’ll join me on the adventure!


  1. Jean

    Love this idea! Also, I didn’t know you’d been a racewalker.
    Is an interview blog/vlog really that disconnected from your career consulting work? I think there’s a connection.

  2. Ken Mattsson

    Yes I competed and coached race walking in the 90’s . Sounds like I need to do a post about that!

    And yes, it is connected to my consulting work, but I think I want to expand it a bit too. It’s still in the contemplation stage! Thanks for your comments and support!

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